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Resource Type Title Description
External Link Environmental Health & Safety

The Environment, Health and Safety department has created guidance documents to assist in the safety of events on campus. EHS can provide information on crowd management/safety, event displays and setup, open burning permits (and grilling), and other safety information for event planners. 

Word Document Required Conference Attendee Information

A written guaranteed number of attendees must be submitted fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the start of the conference.

Word Document Virtual Event Attendee Tips

As an attendee of a virtual event, you want to make sure that you are prepared and set for success.  The tips in this document will help guide you through all stages of preparing for a successful event.

Word Document Virtual Event Presenter Tips

As a presenter of a virtual event, you want to make sure that you are prepared and set for success.  The tips in this document will help guide you through all stages of preparing for a successful event.

External Link How To Receive CornellALERT Messages
CornellALERT Logo

CornellALERT messages are emergency notifications sent to the Cornell community any time there is an imminent threat to the safety of the community, or for changes in university operations (e.g., closures, delayed start).

External Link Connect to Cornell-Visitor Wi-Fi
IT@Cornell Logo

When visiting Cornell, connect to the Cornell-Visitor wireless network. 

External Link Risk Management - Youth at Cornell

Cornell University seeks to protect youth who are under the age of 18 years of age that are participating in an authorized Cornell program, camp, and activity or authorized external entity program on Cornell University property.  This website provides information, training, requirements, and resources when Cornell University staff, faculty, students, and volunteers are supervising or working with youth.  The Youth at Cornell provides guidance of the Youth at Cornell University policy 8.8 to University faculty, staff, students, and volunteers.

The Youth Program Administrator is the point of contact for programs involving youth, provides policy clarifications, registers programs, and reviews reports of incidents involving youth.

External Link University Policy 4.8 Alcohol and Other Drugs (for Students, Staff, Faculty, and Visitors)

Cornell University will assist members of the university community in understanding the risks associated with consuming alcohol, and the need to prevent the harm that results from its misuse and abuse. The university permits the purchase and use of alcoholic beverages under certain conditions, but expects individuals to take specific measures to help prevent alcohol abuse in its community. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use, and/or sale of controlled substances or other illegal drugs is prohibited.

External Link New York Camp Codes, Safety Guide & Safety Plans
Children's Camps in New York State

Camp Codes, Safety Guide & Safety Plans

External Link Cornell Dining Nutrition & Special Diets
Eating Well with Cornell Dining

As part of Cornell Dining's purpose to Nourish the Future, students have free access to meet with us to discuss how to best navigate the dining hall for your specific dietary needs.